Books Magazine

Just Checking In ...

By Quirkybibliophile @qbibliophile
since I have been mostly MIA on the interwebs lately. I recently took on a second ... um ... third job. In addition to being headmistress of our chaotic homeschool and a writing teacher, keeping the world safe from run-on sentences, I'm working at the rehabilitation center.
I finally got around to replacing our missing header. I searched high and low, but I couldn't find the back-up I made of our old header. So we have a new one. I also (finally!) updated our directories: Film/Television Reviews, Book Reviews, and Fun Movie Lists. In the process, I discovered that our header wasn't the only thing that disappeared. At least half of our pictures, in our posts, were missing. Fixing that will be our next big blog project.
Happy Sunday!

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