Destinations Magazine

June 2012: This Time Last Year . . .

By Josephharrison1990 @JTAH_1990

Is it June already? This year is flying by, I only have to blink and time passes by! 2013 has been blessed so far, but I want to look back at what I was doing this time last year. Obviously, life has changed so much but I won't dwell about one single thing! June 2012, what were you like? It's been a while! 
June 2012: This Time Last Year . . .I began last June in Las Vegas! Jetting off from Newark Liberty Airport to Las Vegas McCarran International Airport with Southwest Airlines. I would say my outbound flight was very eventful! Flying via Phoenix Sky Harbor Airport I made the best of Southwest's in-flight refreshment service! I had a great flight and didn't have to spend any money on-board, well maybe $4.00 but I'm not going to be bitter about that! I would love to fly with Southwest Airlines again because their flight attendants were truly delightful! Another gin and tonic please?

Living the Las Vegas life for four days was out of this world, I went with my two British friends who I was working with at Hallmark Aviation Services. Myself, Paolo and Tom had a blast that weekend, discovering the casinos of the Las Vegas strip! Marlene, our faithful hire car took us where we needed to go! We reenacted the 'Hangover Movie' gambling in the 'Bellagio' and 'Cesar's Palace'. I had only been living in Newark for around four months when I embarked on my Las Vegas adventure! I will say that the whole weekend was completely surreal! Tequila became my new best friend! Thanks boys for inviting me onto your trip, I'll be forever grateful for the immense weekend we spent in Las Vegas and L.A! It was a shock to go back to work the next week!

June 2012: This Time Last Year . . .Everybody goes to Hollywood! I didn't need to make in the neighbourhood because I'm already a superstar! Britney's words not mine! My Las Vegas holiday took a crazy twist as I, Paolo and Tom embarked on a whole new adventure! Paolo was the only one who could drive and also possessed a United States drivers license, so we drove off to the land of the stars! The terrain changed from the high-rise hotel casino's of Las Vegas to the baron Nevada Desert! It was crazy to just see nothing for miles, passing through death valley was an experience as the heat was intense outside our air-conditioned car. 

Finally, the palm trees of Hollywood Boulevard could be seen! Boys, we were in Hollywood! Treading the pavement on Hollywood Boulevard was amazing, we were at one with the stars! Seeing the 'Graumans Chinese Theatre' was amazing! Could my month of June get any better? Wanting to see some celebs we took a star-spotting tour around the exclusive 'Beverly Hills' neighbourhood to be at one with the stars of Hollywood! Could I live in 'Beverly Hills?' Yes I could because I'm a superstar! Our day had been super, but we needed to get back to Las Vegas for the rest of our holiday! Being back in Los Angeles, California was amazing! Never Forget! 

June 2012: This Time Last Year . . .

As June progressed I found work at the airport very stressful, things just weren't easy around that time. Nevertheless, I was twenty minutes from New York City so I knew the perfect way to cure my post Las Vegas blues! I made my way over the headquarters of the 'United Nations'. My day out gave me the boost I needed! Visiting the headquarters was a sobering experience, it's got a quiet and still feeling about it. I went on a tour around the headquarters that day, getting to grips with the many issues that are going on in the world really brought it back to me, that I'm one lucky boy! 

After being a political tourist I was feeling rather hungry, so I decided to hop on the NYC subway to Chinatown. Choosing to eat at a restaurant called 'Wo Hop' ended up being a good idea. The food I ate was really good but the restaurant was a bit 'spit and sawdust!' I love a bit of something different so I just treated this as a new experience. New York City has one interesting Chinatown, it's more than interesting! This Chinatown has a edgy personality, which should not be messed with! You've been warned! I love it!

June 2012: This Time Last Year . . .On the 24th of June 2012 New York City's Greenwich Village district prepared itself for 'Pride NYC March 2012'. I for one was waiting on the crowded and hot 'Christopher St' with my rainbow flag ready for the campery and fabulousness of the march. Until this time I had never been to a Gay Pride celebration, but when in New York City it would rude not to embrace the festivities! 

Legendary pop singer 'Cyndi Lauper' happened to be the Grand Marshall of the 2012 march! She looked amazing and girls we just wanted to have fun! As the extravagant floats passed I catch a glimpse of drag superstar 'Manila Luzon' looking fabulous alongside her new drag daughter! I was in heaven, the weather was beautiful and the parade was something I had always imagined it would be! Could my day get any camper? As the parade made its way through 'Christopher St' I noticed one group of people were working in it to the fullest! The Puerto Rican's knew how to work it! From that moment onwards I was in love with Pride NYC! It was definitely a Gay day for sure! 

June 2012 ... You were out of this world !!!Joseph Harrison

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