The very lovely Jacqueline at Tinned Tomatoes blog has been tormenting me with her delicious looking smoothies for months. It’s now getting worse with some amazing looking soups and juices thrown into the mix for her #jumpstart2015 plan.
I’m going to jump aboard to and #jumpstart2015. My health isn’t getting any better (M.E) and lack of energy, eating the wrong things to try and boost energy/mood means I end up feeling worse, guilty and put on weight.
To not put too much pressure on my already guilt ridden brain, I’m looking at this as a means of boosting my poor vitamin intake with more soups, adding smoothies and with no calorie counting I won’t be looking at it as a diet but as a booster.
1. Enjoy a freshly made smoothie or juice (made of mostly vegetables) for breakfast and lunch
2. Drink more water. (I’m bad for guzzling at one part of the day and ignoring regular water intake).
3. No alcohol (optional, but I think the majority of my weight gains come from beer so I’ off that, poor. Me Foodie will have to drink my beer)
4. Eat more soups
5. Normal meal in the evening
I’m not alone in this. A gaggle of bloggers are doing this too. Bookmark their blogs (bloglovin‘ is good for following them all in one place) and visit regularly in January to see how they are getting on with #Jumpstart15, their progress, tips and recipes.
Bloggers doing Jumpstart 2015:
Tinned Tomatoes
Fuss Free Flavours
Ren Behan
Elizabeth’s Kitchen Diary
Smarter Fitter
Utterly Scrummy Food for Families
Veggie Desserts
Franglais Kitchen
London Unattached (focusing on soups)
Maison Cupcake
Food to Glow