Biology Magazine

Julia Vs Python Update

Posted on the 19 August 2014 by Ccc1685 @ccc1685

We’ve been using Julia for a little over a month now and I am quite pleased thus far. It is fast enough for us to get decent results for our MCMC runs; runs for which Python and Brian were too slow. Of course, we probably could have tried to optimize our other codes but Julia installs right out of the box and is very easy to program in. We still have issues for plotting but do have minimal plot functionality using PyCall and importing matplotlib.pyplot. One can also dump the results to a file and have either Python or some other software make the plots. I already find myself reaching for Julia when I want to write a quick code to solve a problem instead of relying on Matlab like I used to. While I would like to try PyDSTool, the lack of a trivial installation is holding us back. For you budding software developers out there, if it takes more than one click on a link to make it work on my computer, I am likely to go to something else. The reason I switched from Linux to Mac a decade ago was that I wanted Unix capability and the ability to print without having to consult with a sys admin.

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