November 2013
If someone offered you a lovely little glass, filled with a pleasant pink colored juice, you might willingly take a big sip…
…but if the lovely pink offering were prefaced with the words “radish” and “juice” together in one sentence, you would most likely scrunch up your nose while your eyes would evoke skepticism and repulsion.
Drawing inspiration from Flemish still life paintings, I recently decorated a wedding table with fruits and vegetables, which in the end, meant I had a lot of bright, red radishes on my hands. Not wanting to waste them, but not wanting to eat a colander full of raw radishes, I wondered what might happen if I juiced them. A bit of internet research informed me of the many benefits of radish juice, and as suspected, suggested a sweeter pairing. Fortunately, the wedding table also left me with a colander full of dark, Thomcord grapes.
The grapes transformed to this whimsical shade of purple. I wish every kid could drink pure, fresh grape juice instead of the syrupy sweet varieties sold in stores.
Juicing can be a bit tedious with all the prep and cleanup, but the process can be very zen if I embrace it. I find small joys in anticipating the final color of my concoction, and this experimental time around…
… a lovely coral/salmon mix.
Radish & Fruit Juice
~ 6 oz fresh ginger, peeled (a large, gnarly chunk)
5 lemons, peeled
~6-8 oz radishes, rinsed (the size of a bag you’d buy at the grocery store or the approximate quantity pictured above)
16 oz seedless Thomcord or purple grapes
8 organic bartlett pears, rinsed
6 organic Pink Lady apples, rinsed & cored
Combine according to your juicer’s instructions.
Juice of the Week documents my goal to drink fresh juice daily (made in batches weekly).