Food & Drink Magazine

Juice of the Week: Citrus, Carrot, Ginger & Celery

By Withthegrains @WithTheGrains

March 2014

Though deceivingly portable, eating an orange is complicated. The thick flesh’s release of those fragrant oils forms an unpredictable splash zone, and each bite is a gamble. Will there be a seed? Will the bite result in a spray of juice dribbling down the chin and hand? Despite the labors of peeling and the mess of dribbling, the orange’s ability to refresh and hydrate redeems its splash zone demerits. 

Orange Lemon Juice 01

Cut a slice from your morning routine to supreme some citrus for this Juice of the Week concoction. Though the juices will surely pool on your cutting board, one messy session will result in several glasses of gingery citrus sipping, and that is a very refreshing notion indeed! Plus, this recipe sneaks in some celery for extra greens in your day, and you won’t even notice.

Orange Lemon Juice 02

Citrus Carrot Ginger
makes ~2 quarts


3 lbs organic carrots
~4 oz fresh ginger, peeled (I like a prominent, spicy ginger flavor. Reduce quantity if you like a milder accent)
1 organic heart of celery
7 organic navel oranges, peeled
6 organic lemons, peeled


Combine according to your juicer’s instructions.

Juice of the Week documents my goal to drink fresh juice daily (made in batches weekly).



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