Bringing a little person into the world comes with a lot of responsibilities. I am sure that not every parent in the world get's things right however most parent's I know manage to do their best and do what is right for their children. In my opinion as long as a child is loved, cared for, is happy, doesn't face abuse, is fed, clothed and watered and overall is in a happy playful setting than who am I to judge another person's parenting ways?

Yesterday Billie Faiers gave birth to a baby girl. For all those who do not know who Billie is, Billie is from the Only Way Is Essex. As soon as news broke about Billie giving birth, there were many congratulations all over the internet however within 24 hours these congratulations turned into negative comments because Billie and her partner Greg were left seeing the hospital with a car seat in their hands whilst it was raining. People felt the need to pass judgment about the way the car seat was being carried whilst Billie and Greg walked under a umbrella. People posted negative and nasty comments about Billie and Gregs parenting abilities all because they had seen a photo which they did not like. People believed that Billie and Greg's newborn daughter was in the car seat and somehow though that she was not protected against the rain whilst Billie and Greg were under a umbrella. People spoke about their "disgust" and people went on to type personal comments about how Billie and Greg had "no common sense". Comments were also made that the baby was taken out in the "freezing cold" and that the baby should have a rain cover over it's car seat.
Comments turned nastier as people then started to poke holes into Billie, a women who had given birth less than 24 hours ago. Nasty comments about the way she looked and what she was wearing which were uncalled for. Billie was wearing a simple PJ set, something which I expect she felt comfortable in soon after giving birth but people had to be nasty and pass judgment.
I watched the anger, the negativity, the bitterness, the nastiness and the name calling go on for over a hour on one post over on Facebook however in the end I felt I needed to comment. I felt the need to comment due to the fact it was mostly women who were parents themselves that were passing judgement, people who had been parents for the first time, people who I am sure had to learn how to become a parent, people who perhaps had felt negative comments towards them before and had been hurt.

What angered me the most was the fact Billie and Greg were being picked on because they are in the public eye. If this was a normal family, you or I going about our business would all these people pick up that the baby could have been exposed to a small amount of rain or the fact of what a new mom was wearing as she came out of the hospital?
The time has clearly been and gone where other mothers support other mothers, especially new mothers. Instead we are now at a stage where people feel the need to pick fault in others. No parent's perfect, people get things wrong.
Have you fallen victim to being judged as a parent? Have you been left feeling hurt over peoples comments?