Economics Magazine

Judge Jeanine: Obama's 'Weak, Wimpy, Pathetic' Response To Foley Beheading Is Embarrassing

Posted on the 24 August 2014 by Susanduclos @SusanDuclos
By Susan Duclos - Via All News PipeLine
Judge Jeanine: Obama's 'Weak, Wimpy, Pathetic' Response To Foley Beheading  Is Embarrassing
Judge Jeanine Pirro's opening statement on Saturday highlights "the last straw" as she calls it, of Obama's "weak, wimpy and pathetic" response to the beheading of American photojournalist James Foley. Judge Jeanine speaks to not only Obama's words but his actions after making a speech saying the US would be vigilant and relentless and would do what is necessary to see that justice would be done, right before heading back to the golf course, before asking "Mr. President where is your humanity?"
After pointing out that the British Prime Minister Cameron, at the sound of the killer's British accent, immediately left his vacation, Judge Jeanine points to Americans being outraged and wondering if Obama is just "disengaged, tired, overworked, bored or just clueless."
This is a must-see Judge Jeanine Pirro opening statement.

It isn't only Americans that have noticed Obama's disconnect with the mood of Americans and those watching across the world, but as shown by a screenshot from the Daily Mail two days ago, shown below, the British are just as dumbfounded by how disengaged and tone deaf obama seems to be with the events happening.
Judge Jeanine: Obama's 'Weak, Wimpy, Pathetic' Response To Foley Beheading  Is Embarrassing

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