As per the latest updates, the Joint Seat Allocation Authority (JoSAA) will be releasing the fourth round of seat allocation result under JoSAA Counselling 2020. The result will be declared today, i.e., 30 October 2020, around 5 PM IST in an online mode. In order to check their results, candidates will have to visit the official website and enter their application number and password in the portal.
JoSAA is conducting the counseling for the listed institutions like IITs, NITs, IIEST, IIITs, and GFTIs for the academic year 2020-21. JoSAA will conduct another counseling round, i.e., round five, subject to the number of vacant seats. Candidates will be duly informed regarding the same.
How to Check JoSAA 2020 Fourth Round Seat Allocation Result?
Candidates can follow the steps mentioned below to check their JoSAA results. Alternatively, they can click on the direct link provided below.
- Visit the official website –
- On the landing page, you will find, ‘View Seat Allotment Result – Round 4.’
- Click on the link and you will be redirected to the login portal.
- Now, enter your JEE Main application number, password, and security pin.
- Click on “Login.”
- Your JoSAA fourth round seat allotment result will be displayed on the screen.
- Carefully go through all the information regarding online reporting and fee payment.
- Save a copy or take a print out for future reference.
Click here to check your results directly (The link will be activated once the result is declared.)
Note Further
The candidates who were allotted seats will have to complete the online reporting process by 1 November 2020. Only after proper verification of documents, payment of fees, and resolving the query responses by IITs and NITs will the seat be confirmed. The last chance to withdraw from the ongoing counseling process is 2 November 2020. Candidates are advised to keep visiting the official website to keep track of the latest updates.