As all my readers know I do love my chocolate. I’m surprised I’m not 20 stone the amount of it I eat sometimes. I love trying all new brands and types but sometimes nothing quite beats a good old British chocolate bar to go with a good old British cup of tea. I love my chocolate bars too be it Cadburys, Mars or something else.
It would seem people who live or work away elsewhere in the world also have a thing for British chocolate which may not be as easy to get where they are. This is where the service provided by Jolly Goods comes in useful as its all about delivering British chocolate all over the world.
Jolly Goods offers custom made boxes containing a mixture of favorite chocolate bars. The boxes are then packed up and can be sent to almost any address in the world along with a little gift card note.
I was sent over my own box just to see what they are like. The photograph above shows the box unopened with the clear Jolly Goods logo. Then inside as you can see it’s very well packaged and insulated to keep the chocolates fresh and free of damage and squashing.

There is a layer of foil insulation along with bubble wrap and extra packaging.
Inside my box – all of these Jolly goodies. Yum Yum!

The purchased boxes come in both standard and large size options and contain 10-20 chocolate bars depending on which is chosen. They start from £10.99 and there is even an option to create your own box starting at £8.99.
All the chocolate bars come with at least a 3 month shelf life and are all well known British favourites.
These boxes would be perfect for those working away from home for long periods so especially military. I think they would also make great gifts for penpals. I take part in foodie pals each month and some of the swaps live in Europe and often tell me how much they like British chocolates.
So if you have a loved one overseas then cheer them up with a Jolly Box.
posted on 02 August at 16:11
CamNev British Sweets | Buy British Chocolates [url=]Click here!..[/url]