Debate Magazine

Joke of the Day...

Posted on the 31 January 2014 by Hughvw
After worship one Sunday, a shy and absent-minded pastor was approached by the president of his church's Ladies' Aid Society. "Would you give a talk at our next meeting?" the president inquired.
"On what subject?" he asked.
She leaned over and whispered, "Sex."
"Oh, my," he said. "Well...I guess so."
As a reminder, the pastor wrote a large red S on a prayer card and put it into his suit pocket.
Two days later, his wife found the card while preparing his suit for the cleaner's. "What's this?" she asked.
"Oh, that's to remind me about my talk for the Ladies' Aid Society," replied the pastor. "It's about, uh...sailing."
His wife gave him a puzzled glance. Two weeks later, the president of the Ladies' Aid Society ran into the pastor's wife at the grocery store.
"Your husband gave such a wonderful talk last week!" the president said. "It was a delight to hear a man who knows his subject so well."
"That's strange," said the pastor's wife. "As far as I know he's only tried it twice. The first time, his hat blew off, and the second time, he got sick."  --TD
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