My very first club series was "Tickled Pink". Ruth Schmuff did the stitch guides for these and they made their debut in her shop, Bedecked and Beadazzled. These ornaments are very sentimental for me, as they gave me my start as a needlepoint designer.
I just recently finished stitching this one, it will be off to the finisher soon:Only three more to go and I'll have the whole set of seventeen completed!
My next series was also a set of ornaments, this time with a retro theme, called Atomic Christmas. Ruth did the stitch guides for this set too.
I could not have been more excited when Cynthia Thomas contacted me regarding stitch guides she had done for three of my Vintage Halloween Pails. After some consultation, we added three new designs to the original set of three and voila, my first Halloween club was created! It made it's debut at the Chaparral in my current home town of Houston.Cynthia did such a great job on this club, with both the stitch guides and the concept for the finishing. I'm just about done stitching the cat, then I'll have only two left to stitch.For the next club, I changed direction completely from ornaments to a set of owl stand ups, complete with cute little wings and embellished bases. (Actually, the cute finishing was a result of Ruth and West Coast Finishing putting their heads together!) This series, called "Hoot! Hoot!" had a seasonal theme and I did the stitch guides and stitching. My current club is Crazy Patch Boo-nanza and it is shipping right now to needlework stores nation-wide. This one is also stitch guided by me.You can still sign up for Crazy Patch at your local needlepoint shop. All of my previous clubs are currently available as individual canvases with stitch guides, so you can pick and choose or get the whole set if you want!One of the clubs that excited me most was one that Fancy Stitches in Cleburne Texas did with my set of Seasonal Tree canvases. Their in-house stitch guide guru, Martha Johnson, stitched all four canvases and somehow managed to make the colors even more vivid than I did!! The results were fantabulous I think-- here is the Winter Tree:So pretty! I love how she added even more colors with the addition of the overdyed thread and ribbon.So there you have it, hope you have enjoyed this little trip down memory lane with me. My next club is currently "under construction" and I can't wait to share it here with you!