
Joe Biden Orders Nearly 3,000 US Troops to Eastern Europe to Counter Russia

Posted on the 03 February 2022 by Geetikamalik

Russia denied the plan to attack Ukraine but hinted it was not a mood to compromise on Wednesday by mocking England, summoning Prime Minister Boris Johnson “really confused” and accused British politicians “ignorance and ignorance”.

The United States will send nearly 3,000 extra forces to Poland and Romania to protect Eastern Europe from the potential abundance of the crisis on Massing Russian forces near Ukraine, US officials said on Wednesday.

Russia denied the plan to attack Ukraine but hinted it was not a mood to compromise on Wednesday by mocking England, summoning Prime Minister Boris Johnson “really confused” and accused British politicians “ignorance and ignorance”.

Moscow has mobilized more than 100,000 soldiers including promises by NATO not to recognize Kyiv.

A strypker squadron around 1,000 members of the Vilseck-based US service, Germany will be sent to Romania, Pentagon said, while around 1,700 service members, especially from the Airborne 82 division, will deploy from Fort Bragg, North Carolina, to Poland. Three hundred other service members will move from Fort Bragg to Germany.

US President Joe Biden said the spread was consistent with what he said to Russian President Vladimir Putin: “As long as he acts aggressively, we will ensure that we can convince our NATO allies and our Eastern Europe there,” he said, according to media reports on Twitter.

The aim, Pentagon spokesman John Kirby said, was to send “strong signals” to Putin “and frankly, to the world, that NATO was important for the United States and it was important for our allies”.

“We know that he is also a hair in NATO, about NATO. He doesn’t keep it a secret. We explain that we will be ready to maintain our NATO allies if they come there. Hopefully it will not come for it.”

Polish Defense Minister Mariusz Blaszczak said the spread of the US was a sign of strong solidarity. Jens Secretary General NATO Jens Stoltenberg also welcomed him, said the alliance response to defensive and proportional Russia.

Efforts to achieve diplomatic solutions have shaken, with Western countries describing the main demands of Russia as non-starters and Moscow showed their interesting signs.

French President Emmanuel Macron said he would discuss the crisis with Biden in the coming hours and can travel to Russia to meet Putin. The priority is to avoid increasing tensions, Macron said. German Chancellor Olaf Scholz said he would meet Putin in Moscow immediately, without giving a date.

Kremlin said Putin told Johnson that NATO did not respond sufficiently to his security issues. Johnson’s office said he had told Putin an attack would be a “tragic calculation error” and they agreed to apply “spirit of dialogue”.

On Tuesday Johnson accused Russia to hold a gun at the Head of Ukraine, drawing caustic comments from Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov before calling with Putin. Johnson has rescheduled a call to answer questions in parliament about the allegations of his staff breaking the Covid-19 locking rules.

“Russia and President Putin open to communicate with everyone,” Peskov said. “Even for someone who is really confused.”

The Russian Foreign Ministry made fun of Johnson’s foreign secretary, Liz Truss, for saying in an interview that England “supplied and offered extra support to our Baltic Allies across the Black Sea” – two opposite water bodies from Europe – “also as supplying Ukraine With defensive weapons. “The British Foreign Office then said he registered a separate geographical support area.

“Mrs Truss, your knowledge of history is not much compared to your knowledge of geography,” said Russian Foreign Ministry spokesman Maria Zakharova wrote in a blog post. “If anything needs to save from anything, it is the world, from ignorance and ignorance of British politicians.”

Bear vs Fox.

The day before, in his first public commentary about the Ukrainian crisis this year, Putin suggested that Russia was forced to protect himself from US aggression.

Washington said it would not send troops to Ukraine himself to protect him from Russian attacks, but would impose financial sanctions on Moscow and send weapons to help Ukraine defend himself.

Russia, is still a European main energy supplier despite being under US sanctions and the EU since giving an example of Crimea from Ukraine in 2014, sweeping additional sanctions as a blank threat.

Washington and its allies have rejected the two main demands of Russia – that Ukraine was prohibited from joining NATO and that the spread of troops in Eastern European countries who joined the Alliance after the end of the cold war rolled back.

Spanish newspaper El Pais released what he said was a copy of the leaking from the US response to Russian demands, where Washington offered talks with Moscow on the agreement for both parties to refrain from the placement of missiles or troops in Ukraine.

Washington can also provide certainty that there is no cruise missile in Poland or Romania, and discuss the steps to prevent dangerous incidents in the air or sea, the document said, which seems to be in line with the position of the public.

“I haven’t seen anything to suggest these documents not authentic,” said the Foreign Ministry spokesman Ned.

“What we convey … is a proposal for further diplomatic involvement. This will require involvement in good faith, some discussions are quite technical, if they will produce anything,” he said.

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