Debate Magazine

Joe Arpaio’s ‘Posse’ Accepted Criminals, Including Sex Offenders

Posted on the 14 February 2013 by Reasoningpolitics @reasonpolitics

joe-arpaio-06-29-12-cropped-proto-custom_28Infamous Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio, taking the NRA’s suggestion of armed guards in schools to the extreme, has accepted over 3,000 volunteers as members of his ‘posse.’ Arpaio’s objective is to provide the armed guards to local schools, although not a single school has actually requested any.

One would think that having Steven Seagal come out for some ambiguous training/publicity purpose would be the low point in this silly endeavor, but sadly, that will probably go down as the high point. Local news station KBHO has uncovered that Arpaio’s posse includes individuals with criminal records:

Arpaio wants his army of 3,000 volunteer posse members to look like sworn deputies and sometimes perform the same duties. But an in-depth project by CBS 5 Investigates uncovered a number of posse members with arrests for assault, drug possession, domestic violence, sex crimes against children, disorderly conduct, impersonating an officer – and the list goes on.

Its time Arpaio put an end to this sad spectacle before things get even worse.

Oh, and if you thought I was joking about the Steven Seagal thing…behold:

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