Politics Magazine

Job Approval For Congress Remains Very Low

Posted on the 11 March 2017 by Jobsanger
Job Approval For Congress Remains Very Low
Job Approval For Congress Remains Very Low
The job approval for Congress has crept out of the teens, but still remains very low. It is currently only 24% approval. All of the slight improvement is due to Republicans, who now give Congress 43% approval. It remains low for Independents (22%) and Democrats (12%).
Will the numbers improve for this Republican-dominated Congress? Not if they actually do some of the things they want -- repealing Obamacare, cutting Social Security and Medicare, keeping minimum wage from becoming a livable wage, cutting EPA by a huge amount, etc.!
These charts are from a new Gallup Poll -- done between March 1st and 5th of a random national sample of 1,018 adults, with a 4 point margin of error.

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