Jio Cinema Currently there is absolutely free video streaming platform in India. However, this platform has been in the news for the last few days due to its new subscription plan. Recently, the company confirmed that it will soon add new content to its platform. However, for watching this new content, the company can take money from the viewers. At the same time, now the information about the new subscription plan of JioCinema has been revealed in the latest leak. According to the leak, the company will bring 3 new plans for the customers, the starting price of which is going to be just Rs 2. Let’s know all the details.
A new subscription plan named JioCinema Premium has been seen on the website. In this list, the company has included 3 plans, the starting price of which is just Rs. There are two plans in this list for less than Rs 100, while one plan is Rs 599.
<img decoding="async" loading="lazy" aria-describedby="caption-attachment-1373267" class="wp-image-1373267 size-full" src="" alt="JioCinema will bring 3 paid subscription plans, the price will start from just Rs 2!" width="1200" height="675" />The cheapest plan of JioCinema starts at Rs 2, in which users will get OTT access for up to 1 day. This means that this will be the base plan of the company, which has been introduced with daily validity. In this plan, users will be able to stream content on 2 devices simultaneously. If the company is really going to launch this plan in the market, then it will be India’s first cheapest OTT plan.
The next plan of JioCinema is Rs 99, which comes with a validity of up to 3 months. The name of this plan is JioCinema Premium Gold Plan. In this too, users will be able to stream content on 2 devices at once.
599 is the company’s annual plan priced at Rs. The company can offer it under the name of Platinum pack, in which you will get a validity of up to 12 months. This plan will give you the facility of content streaming on 4 devices simultaneously. Ad-Free tag can also be seen with this plan, from which it can be guessed that this plan will give users an ad-free experience. At the same time, users can get to see advertisements in the Rs 2 and Rs 99 plans.
JioCinema may be renamed JioVoot!
Recently information was revealed that soon the name of JioCinema app can be changed to JioVoot. Let me tell you, these days JioCinema is doing digital streaming of IPL 2023. This year, users are able to watch IPL matches for free on JioCinema app. After the end of IPL on May 28, the company can bring its new paid subscription plan.