Reliance Industries Limited chairman Mukesh Ambani on Friday announced the JioPhone, a 4G VoLTE feature phone which he called ' India ka Smartphone'. JioPhone's effective price is Rs 0. This means, you can buy the phone at Rs 1500, which will be refunded after 3 years.
The phone is a feature phone, but with a bigger screen, access to apps and of course 4G data and 4G VoLTE calls and will effectively cost the customer Rs 0 for the device.
Features of 4G VoLTE Jio Phone
- Display - 2.4 inch
- Rear Camera - 2-megapixel
- Front Camera - 0.3-megapixel
- Resolution - 240×320 pixels
- RAM - 512MB
- Storage - 4GB, Extended SD card bolster
- Battery Capacity - 2000mAh
- Colors - Black
- Touchscreen - No
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