Jimmy Fallon And Seth Meyers Dragged Trump On “Weekend Update Thursday”
There’s very few things that could make me appreciate the wig-patting simper of Jimmy Fallon. This isn’t one of those things. Fortunately, Seth Meyers passes muster, and he offset his former co-worker’s presence last night on Saturday Night Live Weekend Update Thursday.
Unless you live in the echoing void where Paris Hilton’s brain should be housed, you’ve heard about POTUS decrying the recent trend of states tearing down their monuments commemorating racism honoring Confederate soldiers of the Civil War. White supremacists’ tiki-torch protest of a Robert E. Lee statue being slated for demolition in Charlottesville, VA last weekend resulted in a woman being killed. Afterwards, President Donald Trump bemoaned that the US will next be tearing down statues of Washington and Jefferson (that’s when he wasn’t lifting the spirits of bigots everywhere). Jimmy and Seth got into the seriousness while dressed up as those presidents. Personally I’d rather watch Tina Fey preach the truth and eat grilled cheese dipped in sheet cake, and luckily we get that too.
Jimmy played a smarmy Washington, so basically just Jimmy Fallon with a powdered wig on. He protested Trump’s comparison of him with Robert E. Lee. Weekend Update host Michael Che called him out for treating Donald Trump like he was a cute plushie toy when he did Jimmy’s Tonight Show owning slaves.
According to EW:
“You gonna do me like that on national TV?” said Fallon as the first president. “That was bad. That was wrong. But if you want to talk about owning slaves, you should really be talking to Thomas Jefferson.”
That’s when Seth Meyers came out as Thomas Jefferson and they bro-ed out.
“You’re going to make me the slave guy, really?” he told his fellow former president. “Look, we’ve all done bad things. But the difference between us and Robert E. Lee is that we also did good things.”
The Tina Fey sketch is phenomenal. Tina preaches! With cake! Haven’t you always wanted to just attack a sheet cake from Costco when times are bleak? Set up a high-dive over it! Sheet cakes have that particular Play-Doh-like taste and the preservative-riddled frosting that triggers an intense sugar high. Delicious! We could probably solve a lot of problems if we could all just gather around a sheet cake. Tina knows.
Pic: YouTube
Source: Jimmy Fallon And Seth Meyers Dragged Trump On “Weekend Update Thursday”
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