Fashion Magazine

Jet-Set Jewelry: How to Pack Jewelry for Travel

By Jewelrygal @1928jewelry

With the crazy heat that is hitting most of the country this week, my mind suddenly escapes to an island surrounded by cool clear blue water where I sit and relax in sand as the waves crash onto the shoreline. If you can’t tell… I want a vacation! I am sure most of you do as well; in fact 66% of you will be taking a trip somewhere this summer.

And with travel comes the tricky task of packing. Jewelry often gets pushed to the side in these situations as people don’t know how to pack it. But a good statement necklace or pair of chandelier earrings can be the perfect way to upgrade those comfy basics we tend to bring on our trips. So instead of sacrificing style, here are a few simple tricks for packing jewelry using items that a readily available in most households.

1. Drinking straws: Slip chain necklaces through plastic drinking straws and clasp the ends to prevent chains from tangling up. If it is a shorter necklace, cut the straw to appropriate length.

straw jewelry trickJet Set Jewelry: How to Pack Jewelry for Travel
For chunkier necklaces, use empty toilet paper rolls!

2. Index cards: Use a safety pin to poke holes into an index card or thicker paper. Stick your earrings through and then wrap them in one of your softest t-shirts or tank tops you are packing to keep them from rubbing against anything else.

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Wrap inside a soft T-shirt you are already packing to prevent scratches

3. Sunglasses case: If you don’t have a jewelry pouch, a hard sunglasses case works wonders! You can squeeze a good number of items in like rings and bangles and they will stay perfectly protected!

Jewelry sunglass caseJet Set Jewelry: How to Pack Jewelry for Travel
An easy fix for a girl on the go!

4. 7 day pill case:  Store individual pieces in each pill compartment to keep them from rubbing against each other and makes daily outfit planning a cinch!

pill box 7 day mini default 911 1Jet Set Jewelry: How to Pack Jewelry for Travel
Jewelry for every day of the week.

Hope these tips help you travel in style! Do you have any jewelry travel tips of your own? Comment below to share your secrets.

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