Religion Magazine

Jesus Films This Christmas

By Goodacre
I am greatly looking forward to teaching a new course on Jesus in Film next semester here at Duke.  I'm encouraging those signed up for the class to begin their work over the break by seeking out Jesus films on the TV.  I have drawn up a list for them of films to look out for and it occurred to me that it would be worthwhile sharing it here on the blog too.  These are, of course, those available to those living in the USA:
Sunday 21 December:

The Bible (2013): History Channel
Monday 22 December
Bible Secrets Revealed (2013): History Channel
The Nativity Story (2006): AMC (repeated 23rd, 24th & 25th)
Tuesday 23 December
King of Kings (1961), TCM
Monday 29 December
The King of Kings (1927), TCM
For those who have have Netflix, the following films are also currently available:
Jesus of Nazareth (1977) [But note that this is the abridged movie version, not the full-length TV miniseries]
The Last Temptation of Christ (1988)
The Passion of the Christ (2004)
The Bible (2013)
For those who have Amazon Prime, the following film is also available:
The Greatest Story Ever Told (1964)

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