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Jeff Sessions Accused of Stonewalling Throughout His Senate Testimony

Posted on the 14 June 2017 by Sumithardia

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I’m not going to recap the whole sordid Senate Intelligence Committee hearing featuring Attorney General and KKKeebler Elf Jeff Sessions. If you were following me on Twitter, I was live-tweeting the whole experience, as were many other people. Sessions was indignant from the get-go, with his opening statement full of inaccuracies, if not outright lies, about how he came to perjure himself repeatedly. His story kept changing throughout the hearing too, because he couldn’t keep track of all the lies he told, especially about the Mayflower Hotel and that possible, alleged “encounter” with Sergey Kislyak. But mostly, Sessions just obfuscated and tried to “I don’t recall” his way out of tough questions. You can read a thorough piece about his testimony here. My personal highlights: scurralliss, I don’t recall, encounter at the Mayflower, Senator Mustache being awesome and Sessions generally looking like he needed a fainting couch and some smelling salts. So, what next? I’m glad you asked.
Portrait of an incurious lawyer. Jeff Sessions is many things – a racist, a jackass, a sellout to corporate and Russian interests – but he is also dangerously incurious. So is Donald Trump. Sessions has been Attorney General for nearly five full months and as his testimony revealed yesterday, he’s never ONCE asked for any kind of briefing on how the Russians interfered with the 2016 election. Trump is the same way – even if you can go the distance and claim that Trump had no direct knowledge of the extent of the Russian interference to ensure that he would win the election, the fact that Trump has said and done nothing about the established facts of the Russian interference (now that he’s president) says a lot about everything.
Stonewalling. Senator Ron Wyden got Sessions all riled up!

Will Trump fire Bob Mueller? That’s been the rumor since the weekend. Sessions was asked about it and he didn’t give a clear answer. Sarah Huckabee Sanders was asked about firing Mueller and she said: “While the president has the right to, he has no intention to do so.” Reportedly, Trump has floated the idea with senior staff and they’ve all insisted that he should not fire Mueller.
Meanwhile, healthcare. Republicans were happy to have the focus on gremlin Jeff Sessions because it meant that for one more day, the focus wasn’t on their efforts to push through a healthcare bill in the Senate. Thirteen white male senators are behind closed doors, working hard on a bill that would likely throw millions of Americans off their health care coverage. Meanwhile, Trump complained to the Senate, telling them the House healthcare bill was/is “mean.” But Trump held that big Rose Garden thing when the House passed it? Huh.

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Photos courtesy of Getty.

Source: celebitchy.com

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