Betsey Johnson
I also like the fact that she, as apersons, looks like really accessible, I mean come on, look at her, she seems like the perfect best friend for agirls night out, or simple hanging out somewhere –I’m sure it’s impossible toget bored with her - and talk, she seems very interesting and full of life experiences. I would really like to meet her –someday I will- but fornow I think I’m going to start a question bank for her, you never know whatcould happen, and definitely it’s notcool when someone’s mind goes blank –like my one probably will- and makes any moment that should be amazing, really awkward, so it’s betterto be prepared.
I totally lost the point of this entrance, sorryfor that, sometimes I think I write too much –let mee know, if that’s true and Iwill keep it shorter next time- anyways, the thing I was telling you guys thatmade me love Betsey even more was this article I read in Teen Vogue, DoubleTrouble: Betsey Johnson Gives A Style Makeover To Two Sisters –to read the wholething just follow the link- I reallywish It was me but never mind, my absolute favorite part , besides the outfits and pictures, was when she said: "Myfavorite customer is that girl trying to figure out who she is and working withit. She's got to play guinea pig." I’m definitely her favorite costumer.

Now you know, jealousy is all the fun you think -and by fact know- they had.marine.