Dating Magazine

Jason and Molly from “The Bachelor” Are Expecting

By Datecoachtoni @CoachToni

Jason Mesnick and Molly Malaney Mesnick who met and fell in love on “The Bachelor” several seasons ago are expecting their first child in the spring of 2013. They are one of the few couples who actually came away with happy love from the show- actually, after the show as Jason chose someone else the first time around and changed his mind soon afterwards.

What is it about the show that actually seems to get in the way of couples getting together? Maybe it’s all the hype, temptation and other worldly environment that leads to people making the wrong decisions. After all, it must be hard to find the one in a sea of beautiful people throwing themselves at you and inventing new ways to catch your attention. Everything from crazy stunts, props, and sex has been tried- one woman even brought her grandmother and another her horse. It helped give them a leg up- so next season should be even more outrageous.

Maybe ex contestants should be used to coach current ones on the pitfalls associated with getting too much attention, having too many choices, and having to choose from at least a few would-be suitors that are there for all the wrong reasons.

As we anticipate the next season’s offerings, now is a good time to send out congratulations to a couple who made it through- for all the right reasons.

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By Polyamorous Dating Trials
posted on 06 September at 16:51
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