Books Magazine

Jack and Jill by @lucycavendish1

By Pamelascott

Jill loves her little brother, Jack. She understands what he's thinking, which is just as well because Jack won't speak.

There are plenty of things Jill doesn't understand though. Why is her mum dumping her and Jack in the country? Why did her dad leave and she's not allowed to talk about it? She doesn't know why her aunt and uncle give her and Jack strange looks, or why they're being talked about in the village.

With a local country boy Jill decides to find out what's going on and uncovers the appalling truth behind brother Jack's silence.


[My mum's face is turning red as she drives me and Jack up the motorway]


(Penguin, 18 February 2011, 112 pages, ebook from @AmazonKindle)



This tale is pretty heart-breaking. I really liked Jack and Jill's relationship. Its clear Jill dotes on her little brother and is his fierce defender. This tale is packed with secrets and misdirection. I was frustrated with the adults, whispering their secrets and not telling Jack and Jill, especially when it is clear Jill knows something is going on. The horrible truth is revealed and I understand why their Mum thought keeping them in the dark was for the best. Kids aren't stupid and the more you whisper and tip-toe around the truth the more they will suspect something amiss. This is well-written, engaging and thought provoking.

Jack Jill @lucycavendish1

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