iWhite Purifying Essence is oil-based one minus greasiness. A small amount will go a long way; take this amount of the purifying essence as an example. That essence alone can cover haft my face. It does also take a few minutes to be completely dry on your skin, 2-3 minutes prior to application.

The nose pack, on the other hand, is the one to be applied after the Purifying Essence. I suggest you wait until the essence is completely dry before putting a nose pack; unless, the usual 10-15 minutes of waiting will double or worst, it won’t go dry at all! & you won’t like it~
Another thing to remember while using iWhite Nose pack, make sure that it is completely dry before pulling upward off. In that case, the white/blackheads will be removed.

What’s the result? Let me show you the result!

I am pretty impressed with these nose combo of iWhite (I name their team myself. LOL). Before, the first time I used this nose pack way back during my high school years, I didn’t work on me and decided never to give it a second chance. Now, I realize that I should have. I mean, just look how these two removed those whiteheads out of my zits from root to tip? Yeah, maybe not all of them, but still, they truly worked! The photo is disgusting yet I thought that it’s worth posting.
My nose feels really smooth afterwards. Free of that grain-of-rice-size of whiteheads and is definitely a clean pores. There was also a small cooling sensation after peeling the nose pack which really feels good! And with a very cheap price tag, it sure is a real deal~!
Overall Experience:♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ 4/5

iWhite Nose Pack - Php189.00 iWhite Purifying Essence - Price to be posted soon Available at: All drugstores, supermarket, department stores, & Watson's nationwide
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xoxo, M.