Sometimes I really do have to sit here and contemplate what it would be like to be in Ivanka Trump’s position and what I would do if I found myself in similar circumstances. To be your father’s favorite child, to have make such terrible, gross comments regularly, and to see him elevated to the highest position in the country, if not the world… what would you do? I’m not trying to be sympathetic towards Precious Ivanka at all, that’s not what I’m saying. I guess I just wonder about what it costs Ivanka on a deeper level to be so complicit, to be her father’s accomplice. So, there’s a story about Precious Ivanka’s reaction to her dad’s grab-them-by-the-p-ssy tape. Precious Ivanka cried!
Ivanka Trump pleaded with her father to issue a heartfelt apology in October after the leaked Access Hollywood tape was released showing him boasting about grabbing women by their private parts, The New York Times reports. Donald Trump, then the GOP nominee, at first denied making the comments after an aide rushed into his Trump Tower office to reveal that The Washington Post was about to break the story. With his daughter by his side, the soon-to-be president and members of his team eventually watched a video of the 2005 episode that quickly proved him wrong.
“Mr. Trump’s reaction was grudging: He agreed to say he was sorry if anyone was offended,” The Times reports, citing several sources who were present as the crisis unfolded. Advisers warned Trump that would not be enough, and Ivanka “made an emphatic case for a full-throated apology,” The Times writes.
“As she spoke, Mr. Trump remained unyielding. His daughter’s eyes welled with tears, her face reddened, and she hurried out in frustration.”
Trump was widely criticized for the “apology” he issued later that day, in which he dismissed his comment — “When you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything. Grab ’em by the p—y. You can do anything.” — as “locker room banter.”
Facing extraordinary backlash, including from Republican leaders, Trump released a videotaped apology hours later, saying, “Anyone who knows me knows these words don’t reflect who I am. I said it, I was wrong, and I apologize.”
[From People]
Did Ivanka cry because she was frustrated because her dad wasn’t listening to her, which must have been a moment she rarely faces? Did she cry because she thought her father would never win the presidency if those comments floated out there without apology? Or did she cry because somewhere deep in her soul she realized that her father was admitting to sexual assault, and she perhaps had a moment of genuine empathy towards all of her father’s victims? One thing I do know is that Precious Ivanka wants you to know that she cried. This is part of her strategy, and I believe that when it comes down to the line, Ivanka will always chose her own interests above her father’s interests or the nation’s interests.
Ivanka also told the NYT: “I’m his daughter. I’ve known him my entire life. He trusts me. I don’t have a hidden agenda. I’m not looking to hit him to help myself.” That’s an interesting way to phrase that. “I’m not looking to hit him to help myself.” Because right now, helping daddy is helping herself. When helping daddy stops helping Precious, then you better believe she’ll hit him.
Photos courtesy of Getty.
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