If you live in the Ithaca, NY area, you can see James Mott's art and hear him talk at the State of the Art Gallery at 7:00 pm on Wednesday, September 7. If you don't, you still need to check out his website and blog to find out more about this fascinating Rochester artist who's made a commitment to bring his art-making out of the studio in order to connect with people he meets across the country.

From Jim's website: "The Itinerant Artist Project is a painting-based project with strong public outreach and performance dimensions. It involves locating (by various means) a series of voluntary "hosts" around the USA, touring by car from host to host, and at each stop painting several small location paintings, offering one in exchange for the hospitality provided (room, board and occasional conversation for 2-5 days).
Among other things, the project explores the function of art as gift and the effect of a gift economy on productivity. The first phase was done in six main installments - five tours and one residency - covering six months during the years 2000-2004. The current phase, which began in 2006, is being carried out similarly but with more emphasis on reaching a secondary audience beyond my immediate hosts - through presentations, exhibitions, residencies, and working with the media."

Jim may paint a street scene, his host's garden, or perhaps their house. Here's one of an overpass:

Jim was also featured on the Today Show. Watch the video clip from his "Art for Hospitality" interview with Bob Dotson. It's a pretty amazing story since most artists prefer to be "alone in the studio" to make their art. At least, I know I do!