Itel Zeno 10 smartphone launched in India. Its price starts from Rs 5,999. It can be ideal for those who are looking for a very cheap phone with more RAM. Apart from more RAM, the itel Zeno 10 has an eye-catching design and a powerful battery. And its sale has started from the day of launch. Itel's new phone will be available in two configurations. Let's know its price and complete specifications.
Itel Zeno 10 Variants Price
Itel Zeno 10 is priced at Rs 5,999 for the 3GB RAM and 64GB storage variant. Its total RAM will be 8 GB (3 GB + 5 GB) through memory fusion technology. The top-end variant of the phone has 4GB of physical RAM and 64GB of storage. It will support 8 GB virtual RAM, i.e. the total RAM will be 12 GB, its price is Rs 6,499. The device comes in Opal Purple and Phantom Crystal colors. The phone is being purchased from Amazon.
Itel Zeno 10 can be bought cheaper on offer
In the offer, the 3GB RAM model of the Itel Zeno 10 phone can be bought for Rs 5,699 and the 4GB RAM model for Rs 5,999. Amazon also has an exchange offer with it.
Itel Zeno 10 features and specifications
Itel Zeno 10 phone has a 6.6 inch HD Plus IPS display. It will have dynamic bar to show the required information. The back panel of the device has a square-shaped camera module, which houses two rear cameras with LED flash. Its primary camera resolution is 8 megapixels. The rear camera will support HDR mode, AI shot, portrait mode, wide mode and many more modes. It will have a 5-megapixel front camera for selfies and video calling.
Itel Zeno 10 device has Octacore processor and Android 14 operating system for performance. Type-C port is available for charging on this smartphone and the phone comes with a 5000mAh battery. It has face unlock and side mounted fingerprint scanner for security.
Attractive back cover comes free with itel Zeno 10 phone. The back panels look pretty good. A wave-like pattern can be seen on its back cover.