Destinations Magazine

It’s the Perfect Time to Explore the U.S.

By Twothirstytravellers @2thirstytrav

The United States is filled with many great sites that are waiting to be explored. When we think of going on vacation, most of us think of going on vacation, the first couple of places that come to mind are either the beach or the mountains. But there is more to explore outside the box—such as our national parks. This month, the National Park Service will turn 100 years old. It was first created by an act of Congress and signed into creation by President Woodrow Wilson.

Did you know that the National Park Service oversees upwards of 84 million acres and 410 sites? Of these, there are 59 different national parks (such as Yellowstone, Yosemite and the Grand Canyon), 81 national monuments (like the Statue of Liberty and Mount Rushmore), 25 battlefields or military parks (Gettysburg), and 128 different historical parks and/or sites. Each year, more people are taking the opportunity to explore the U.S. This past 2015, 307.2 million people visited locations within the National Park Service; in 2000, that number was 286 million. So in the last 15 years alone, 21.2 million additional people wanted to explore these sites (and for good reason).

Now is the perfect time to explore the U.S.  After all, it’s not everyday that the National Park Service celebrates a century of existence. It’s all the more special to check out all of parks. Where should you go? Here’s a list of the 10 most visited across the country:

  1. Great Smoky Mountain
  2. Grand Canyon
  3. Rocky Mountain
  4. Yosemite
  5. Yellowstone
  6. Zion
  7. Olympic
  8. Grand Teton
  9. Acadia
  10. Glacier



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