Paris's legendary 'Moulin Rouge' called on me, taking 'It's Showtime' overseas for the first time since December 2019 felt exquisite! Dazzling and exuding the most glamour I had seen in a long time, I wanted to see the 'Cancan' already! Scantily clad female dancers galore, you know I half covered my eyes! Champagne for everyone! The ticket price was worth it and then some! Danse!

My birthday evening in Paris, France deserved the revue show of all revue shows, without any doubt in my mind, it had to be the Moulin Rouge! Those prices had me scared but with a night of dazzling performances worth every single Euro, what could I say? Absolutely nothing, that's what! Going for the ticket with half a bottle of champagne, that sounded like music to my very ears! Pour me another one, Paris! Wowing audiences since it opened in 1999, I was so excited to enjoy 'Féerie'. Translated from French to English as 'Fairytale', I was in store for an almighty 'Féerie!' Ditching the dinner option, I already had something to eat at a fast-food place that was just next door to the 'Red Windmill', I was very much looking forward to my half bottle of champagne with a ticket to the best show in Paris! At £120 per ticket without dinner, I had no fears that the 'Moulin Rouge's' spectacle would surpass any of my previous expectations! I wasn't wrong! From NYC's Broadway to Paris's own Moulin Rouge, I embraced every moment! Action!
There was no doubt that I had arrived at the iconic theater along Paris's 'Boulevard de Clichy', those legendary red lights and windmill slapped me in the face as I exited the Metro at Blanche. After my pit-stop burger meal, I crossed the busy boulevard to capture the photo above, it was akin to being surrounded by London's theatres in the West End! Standing strong since its 1889 opening, the 2022 version of the Moulin Rouge looked mighty fine for 133 years old! The dazzling lights had me from the first second, I had finally arrived and wanted to take my seats for the show! Scanning my ticket at the entrance allowed me to walk up the red carpeted stairs that led me to a grand foyer, had I joined high society for the night? Yes! It felt great to be suited and booted for once in my life, I hadn't dressed so smartly since I visited North Korea! That birthday moment had me feeling elevated, the day up until then had been major and the evening was just getting started! 'Danse, danse, Paris Danse! I was about to truly get lost in the show, P!

Sipping on my 'Duval-Le Roy' champagne had me feeling that Moulin Rouge fantasy! My table was on the top balcony with a showstopping view over the theater space, I couldn't have wished for a better seat in the house! With dinner cleared up for those who dined at the Moulin, the pre-show singers vacated the stage before the house lights were dimmed, it was time! Never before had I seen such dancers in my life, parading around the stage as if they were gliding on air with their plumes of red feathers covering their modesty! Singing in French 'that at night the beautiful girls in Paris come out to dance at the windmill!' Well, that's what 'Moulin' translated to! With thirty or so female dancers present on the stage, the male dancers fell short in numbers but I was confident that they'd also be freeing the 'nipple' also! Nipples were on display in every direction, had those dancers never heard of pasties? I had no choice but to fly with that 'Féerie' theme! Commanding Paris to dance and then again, as the title of the show stated, a 'Fairytale!
Themes galore were being served up on that Parisian main-stage, as the first section of the show had sashayed away, it was time for an interval act! Several interval acts were presented to us, tricks and splits were up first for us to marvel at! Although our third or fourth interval act had me gobsmacked, a female contortionist had me lost for words! That shape-shifting acrobat moved and manipulated her legs and arms as if she had not a bone in her body! I usually don't entertain magic but her movements were pure magic, it was like her body flowed like water with such fluid movements. A roller-skating double act had my heart in my mouth with their supersonic paced act, true strength, skill and poise had me wanting to see more! It wasn't just about the glitz, glamour and routines from the main show, which had me gooped! As the dancers returned to the stage, I wasn't ready for the next part of the show! Let me just say, it was a lot! One of the female dancers performed a routine in a glass pool of water with several snakes! Oh!

I was being served up all kinds of 'CAMP' with outrageous costumes adorned by the cast of 'Féerie!' 'Drag Race France' had observed such references! The Asian inspired dance section resembled an elaborate 'Siam' style routine with golden outfits worn. Yes, the stage did reveal a glass tank of water, one of the main Cancan dancers disrobed to complete a rather unexpected scene with a few large snakes in tow! I was gooped yet again! The Moulin Rouge brought a slice of the circus to the stage, a funny sight was served with two dancers dressed in one costume, almost as if they were conjoined twins. I got the sense that this modern time has taken the show away from animal participation because the dancers were dressed in rather ostentatious designs. A vocal break impressed me much, taking a step back from the tightly choreographed routines, I loved the singing! Baby, they teased us with one of the male dancers coming back on stage each time with his muscled pecs on display! Moulin Rouge, don't tempt me with a good time! No, no!
Now, photography of any kind and filming was strictly prohibited throughout the show, adhering to that I want to clarify that the above photo isn't mine. Did I see any sneaky cameras being used during the show? The show had my full attention at all times! Before the glittering finale took place, you already know that we all wanted to see that world famous 'Cancan' dance because we had rightly paid our pennies! We also had not lowered ourselves, I for one loathed the look of the newly debuted 'musical' adaption of the Moulin Rouge, 'Can-can' they cannot! Dressed in their finest 'Cancan' ready skirts, the female dancers in tow with the guys gave their best moves, my hands were sore from clapping! I was utterly dumb, their legendary moves gave me everything and more, that 'Can-can' was extraordinaire! Concluding the show with a dazzling finale, one of the male singers closed the show down whilst a sea of pink feathers closed the show! Glow in the dark they did! Singing the show out with 'Les filles du Moulin sont belle! Oui!
Free The Nipple!
Desperately Seeking Adventure