Society Magazine

It's Payday, So That Means...buying Books!

By Elizabethprata @elizabethprata
By Elizabeth Prata
The last day of the month is payday, so the first day of the month I scour the interwebs for good deals on books. They are not only for my consumption, but to have on hand to give away. I love a good book ministry, and I want to be active in offering credible and edifying resources to women, both online and in real life. Part of discernment is choosing good materials from which to study, and I enjoy helping women in this way. It's a satisfying feeling when I put a good book into the hands of a sister.
I was listening to a clip from John MacArthur about "Dumbing Down the Message", and in that short clip, he mentioned he was writing a book called "Why One Way?" (2002). I was not familiar with that one from him. Defending the exclusivity of Jesus as the one way to heaven was important in 2002 and even more so now. I became interested in the book, and wandered over to Amazon to browse it. It was $5, so I bit the bait and placed the order.
Ligonier has a Friday $5 sale. Several of their shorter, one-topic paperbacks are always inexpensive, but these were on sale today for $1.88. I bought:
It's payday, so that means...buying books!
Can I Have Joy in My Life? by RC Sproul
Are People Basically Good? by RC Sproul
Can I Lose My Salvation? by RC Sproul
We know that the Bible itself is the best material in the universe to study. But God raised up men to write commentaries and books and to develop teaching series. These things are perfectly OK to use in aiding your understanding of God. If you are reading your Bible and attending a good church, don't listen to anyone who disparages good and edifying materials by saying "don't study 'man's words'. God raised up these men to write words that contribute to the body of information available to the saints.
So what do you do to help younger sisters in the faith access good ministries and materials? What materials have proven useful for you in your growth and education?

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