Yes I've been taunting you guys for what seems like months about the sex of our little one. I'm so sorry! Originally I had genetic test done around 10 weeks to find out what we were having. Even though the test results are usually about 99% accurate I still couldn't help but wonder if we were truly right so early on.
Yesterday I had my 21 week ultra sound and the technician assured us that despite my crazy mishap, we indeed were told the correct answer. So what are we having you might ask? Well...
Yup that's right! Lily is going to have a baby brother! AHH! We're so excited and over the moon to have a little boy! Of course my husband and I had cried tears of joy when we both found out because we were just excited to have a healthy baby but knowing we have one of each just makes it fun ( and challenging however you look at it! ) Thanks for sticking it out with me friends! Now...if we could only decide on a name!