Today marks the First Anniversary of This Mom Loves! I can't believe that one year ago today I published my first post (though I waited a couple of weeks before actually sharing the address with anyone!)
Now, don't feel badly if you forgot all about my special day. Stick with me for a minute, and I'll tell you how to make it up to me...and it will be quick and easy!
I started out just wanting a place to share my ideas and opinions, to make some connections and hone my writing skills. It has become so much more than that. The networking especially is incredible...and I have to admit I love being able to say "so, Debbie Travis was telling me...."
From My Very First Post to the enticing Top Five Signs You Won't Want To Follow My Blog, I was off to a good start. Some of my other highlights:
Are You A Hyper Parent? (On a related note, it hit me in June that my four year old was in dance, swimming and soccer all at once. Hmmm.)
Bottle Battle: Have You Heard That Breast Is Best?
Is Your Child Ready For Kindergarten? (Are You?)
Sorry I'm Not "Just Spiritual"
In Praise of Epidurals
It's also amazing what I've learned, not only about blogging and computer "stuff", but also about the moms out there. For example, apparently there are a LOT of people who love designer Sarah Richardson, as her Momterview gave me the most hits I have ever had in a far!
If you want to see a year's worth of my own (Debbie-and-Sarah-wannabe) home decorating posts, click here. You may also want to check out all of my celebrity Momterviews, travel posts or my friend Krista's ever-popular party themes.
As a "PR Friendly" blogger, I love having the opportunity to try out new products, attend events, and share my opinions. Plus it's fun to be able to share the wealth with others through giveaways.
One of the biggest perks, though, is that it has given me a real sense of pride to know that I created this (with technical and design credits to Cebong, Eon and Leelou Designs) and I retain all editorial control.
Now, I must say that it's strictly a hobby. I haven't made a penny, except the odd gift card for participating in some blog tours, but I'm certainly not in it for the money. I get my rewards in other ways. And this is where my anniversary gift comes in! ( forgot all about it! You can hear me out!)
I've read that 95% of blog readers are "lurkers" who do not leave comments. I was a lurker until about a year ago, so I ain't judging. Little did I realize back then that bloggers check regularly for comments, and get excited when they realize that there are some, and people are not only reading their work, but care enough to say something about it!
I came across a great blog post early on called DeLurk Your Pants Off! (Though I'm not encouraging you to go that far. Really. Please don't.) But I do want you to delurk today, as your blogiversary gift to me. Be brave, or just compassionate, and leave a comment! Feel free to just say hi, or if you're feeling really bold, tell me something about yourself. If you have your own blog, I even promise to come and visit!
I can also promise a lot more information and fun in Year 2 of This Mom Loves, including an athlete Momterview, true confessions, and some great products for kids and adults alike - crafts, toys, cleaning products (I find that fun!) and jewelery (probably more popular!)
For now, you lurkers, it's time to leave a comment. Click on the title of this post if you're in your email or on the homepage and the comments box isn't visible. (Sorry to the pros, but I've actually had people ask me how to do this!)
Thanks for commenting and making my day...and thanks to all of my readers for helping me take This Mom Loves further than I ever onward and upward!