Random Magazine

It’s Freezing Cold + the Heating’s on + It’s the Middle of June = Deep Depression

By Socksupermarket

Why not give yourself a giggle and check out our men’s and ladies novelty sock collection. Whether it be a cartoon character, funny quote or witty one liner our novelty sock range has something that will make you titter even if the weather is having an especially gray and grumpy day.

Novelty (derived from Latin word novus for “new”) is the quality of being new, or following from that, of being striking, original or unusual. To us at www.socksupermarket.com  it’s all about a sense of humor and allowing you to put your funkiest foot forward with designs including Piggy spots, Piggy stripes and Pigs might fly and from Cats to Cows and Rabbits to Rainbows.


So kick back and take a look at the great selection of modern and fun socks and brighten up your day.

Ladies Novelty http://www.socksupermarket.com/ladies-socks/novelty.html

Men’s Novelty http://www.socksupermarket.com/men-socks/novelty.html

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