I'm really excited, finally I got my first sewing machine -and its pink!-. i'm still learning how to use it properly and making all the exercise of my Dressmaking class, and let me tell you guys, this is not as simple as it looks like. I always thought that sew wasn't a big deal you know, just put the fabric and it rolls by itself, yeah you can say I'm dreamer, because sewing is one of the complicates thing I ever done in my life. I don't know if its difficult for other people, but for me is rally hard, but I'm not that worried, I'm starting to learn and with practice and time, I will be the best :), so good that I'll be abel to work at Chanel's Atellier.
Today I didn't go to class, I wasn't feeling in mood for a two hours of Introduction to color class - hate this class-, the teacher talks all the class, she never shuts up, and in the end, you realize that she hasn't said anything at all, its weird, but then she leaves these huge homework's that basically are investigations of the theme the teacher was supposed to explain in class, but she couldn't because she expend two hours saying nothing useful. Well anyways, I spend my morning looking in other blogs and I decided to create a Tumblr -hope you guys follow please-. It will not be the same as my blog. I keep my blog like a journal and personal diary about what I'm doing and what I like, in my Tumblr I pretend to post pictures I take with my new camera - the one of the picture, a Canon EOS 1100 Reflex, I told you, its christmas!- and some of my inner thoughts and inspirations, just words, I don't intend to make any sense at all, but I hope I could inspire at least one person, and I will be happy. So please check it out, I'm just starting and is a little bit under construction, but step by step, I want to make it work.Some pictures of my amazing first sewing machine!

My camera with the tripoid.
