Fashion Magazine

It's Bottlegreen O'clock

By Annamoss84 @missanniebean
My days as a student have long swam passed me, I'm now 28 and it was 9 years ago I first started out at University.  When I look back and think of my daily routine, most social activities (whatever happened) ended up with some sort of drinking.  Don't get my wrong, I never drank loads but I certainly cannot handle what I did drink, and I definitely cannot cope with too many late nights!  I'm happy to admit that yes I am old and yes, I would rather stay in with a good film than drink myself numb!
Thing is over the last two years I tried so hard to prove to myself I could still do itBy getting up at 7am going to work, going home then heading out on a Friday night and crawling in at silly o'clock.  The next day would always be horrendous, and many time like nothing I'd ever felt before. 
I decided enough was enough, I figured it really wasn't worth it and started by doing everything in moderation. I do go through major anti drinking phases, but can feel extremely left out when friends would be drinking and I wasn't. Wasting money on alcohol? I'd always tell myself I'd rather buy more handbags and shoes - at least they don't make me feel bad in the morning...but what about being social? Where does that fit in?
When I made the decision to not drink very much I did some research into what I could replace it with, that way I wouldn't always miss out on seeing friends  I have a bit of a funny relationship with water, I quite possibly don't drink enough but by the same token I get very bored of it. I made it my mission to find other good drinks to have that were non alcoholic to consume at home & when being social.  Browsing the aisles of various supermarkets I was initially bombarded with many child aimed bottles of squash, which was off putting and were all full of sugar.  Something I didn't want to start consuming tons of, but after my Mum bought Bottlegreen Elderflower cordial I decided to try some for myself.  Elderflower is extremely light, and is simply delicate in flavor and the perfect drink for any time of day.  I knew I was truly onto a winner with this company, the packaging didn't make me feel like I was drinking a childs juice - It was adult squash! Winner!
It's Bottlegreen O'clock I'm a huge fan of the Bottlegreen cordials, and it seems the company have fully embraced the upcoming chilly months with their hot cordials.  Hot cordials you say?  Yes I do!  I was a little hesitant to start with but I can hand on heart say it is the perfect companion during these autumn months.  There is spiced berry, elderflower, and ginger & lemongrass, all of which are great in taste and can be ideal for having at seasonal parties (especially if you don't drink much like me).  Say if you decide to take the dog on a long Sunday walk across the fields - pop it in a flask, or what about just snuggled up on the sofa with a huge blanket and a mug of some hot cordial in front of your favorite film? Bliss! 
It's Bottlegreen O'clock
For me when I want warmth I head for something spiced, so the Bottlegreen Spiced Berry cordial was the obvious choice.  An extremely rich toned drink that isn't just ideal for the colder months but perfect for the festive season that draws closer. 

Okay, so they have a wide range of products for you to try, but what if you don't just want hot or cold, one flavour drinks?  My friend and I were having a quiet girls night in, doing face masks and a complete pamper session. We were both absolutely shattered from a hard weeks work, we both sighed and said a cocktail would be perfect.  We knew cocktails and tiredness don't work well together so I suggested we tried out the Bottlegreen cocktails.  What are the Bottle green cocktails you say?  Well read below...
It's Bottlegreen O'clock Winter Breeze Serves 1
Ingredients    25ml bottlegreen elderflower cordial   25ml apple juice    25ml cranberry juice    Top with ginger beer
Glass  Highball
Decoration  Horses head (lemon peel)
Method  Shake ingredients together with ice,   Strain into highball and top with ginger beer
It's Bottlegreen O'clock
Summer Sensation Cocktail Serves 1
 Ingredients:  25ml Strawberry Puree  15ml bottlegreen elderflower cordial  10ml Lime Juice  bottlegreen ginger & lemongrass pressé or ginger ale
Method:   Shake first 4 ingredients with ice, strain into ice-filled 12oz highball glass, top with ginger & lemongrass pressé or ginger ale.    Garnish with strawberry fan
It's Bottlegreen O'clock
Winter Warmer Serves 1
Ingredients 25ml  bottlegreen spiced berry cordial 25ml Cranberry juice Top with soda
Glass:    Highball/mug Decoration:    Orange wheel
Method: Warm the cranberry and the bottlegreen spiced berry cordial Strain and serve in highball or highball mug
It's Bottlegreen O'clock
Pick Me Up Ingredients:  100ml white grape juice  40ml bottlegreen spiced berry cordial  Crushed ice  Tonic water
Method:  Fill half a cocktail shaker with ice.  Measure and pour the grape juice and bottlegreen spiced berry cordial into a cocktail shaker, and shake together.  Strain mixture into a large glass and top up with tonic water.  Add extra crushed ice to the drink and serve. I honestly hadn't thought of cocktails when I first started drinking Bottlegreen... but alas here they are!  All of these ingredients could be used with alcohol if you really wanted to or like me, stick to the more innocent drink.  We had a great time indulging with some delicious drinks and I had that glorious feeling the next day of no hangover or headache I even went to do a full Body Attack class at my local gym. 
I have another girls games party coming up soon with some close friends, I'll make sure I take some photos next time of my cocktail making activities!
Who says you can't have fun without drinking?! 
It's Bottlegreen O'clock  xoxo

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