What very few people know is that there is a secret portal deep in the Bergen Arches. The BAPC (Bergen Arches Preservation Coalition) discovered it late last year. The board was in a quandary: What to do? Should we go through it? Report it? Keep it super-secret? And then, one weekend in December after binge-watching Stargate Allofthem the board reached an executive decision: We’re going through!
That’s what we did this last weekend. Here’s the inter-dimensional transport marker identifying the our point of embarkation. It appeared immediately after we’d gone through the portal:

Here’s our Defense Minister, Gunnar, greeting us as we arrive.

That’s our base camp up on the plateau. Notice the mystic symbols on the placard. Of course we've sent them off to our cryptography and exolinguistics people. So far the universal translator has come up with zero, nada, zilch.