The first day of school is almost a relief, not simply for the fact Liv goes back to school and I can crack on with normality again... but for the fact I also need the routine too.
The past few weeks have passed in a whirlwind and unfortunately this meant taking time away from blogging, meaning I now have a gazllion things to catch up on before I start even considering Christmas! However, not only is it back to school day, it's back to work time too!
Did anyone else smile this morning as their children walked into school? Whilst I many not appreciate my 7.23am alarm waking me up, for today, I did not mind it ringing away too much.
It is going to be lovely getting back into the swing of things, especially knowing what day/date it actually is again! Does anyone else lose track of time, or is it just me?

With Autumn setting in at the end of September, it really does feel as if we have not experienced summer. It rained far too much for my liking, to the point I even considered building an ark. Mancunians tend to be prepared for rain most days, but I had high hopes of a repeat performance of last summer when I blogged about it being too hot to work!
As I type, I am sat back at Jen's kitchen table, with gossip on the go, alongside our usual mugs of coffee, with plenty of ideas to get started on.

Memories of our fabulous holidays spent in France and erm, Blackpool over the holidays are simply that now, memories. Summer clothes have been packed away, with winter woolies brought out of hibernation along with the dilemma of when to switch on the central heating!
I'm starting September off exactly how I mean to go on, productive, actually replying to emails and trying to be on top of everything. Will that still be the case at the end of the month? We shall see! 😉