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It’s Almost Like Baby Fists Wants to Be Investigated by an Independent Committee

Posted on the 23 March 2017 by Sumithardia

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It was always going to come out: we were always going to learn about the FBI’s investigation into the connections between the Trump campaign and Russia. The stories were happening before Election Day, and the developments were always going to be part of the larger narrative of treason and espionage around Emperor Baby Fists and his people. That being said, Baby Fists is so unhinged, so inept, so bigly stupid that he actually accelerated the process by falsely claiming that President Obama had wiretapped him. Those tweets, several weekends ago, accelerated the process to a crazy degree. With FBI Director Comey denying Baby Fists’ claims flat-out, you would think that Presidente Deplorable would just call it a day and say “maybe I was mistaken.” But that would be admitting that he was wrong! So of course not. He has to double-down on the lie. Which brings me to what happened on Wednesday.
First, the Paul Manafort story blew up (BIGLY) on Wednesday, with the Associated Press reporting that Manafort – who acted at Trump’s campaign chairman for months – had previously worked undercover to “aide the Putin government.” Manafort was paid millions of dollars over the course of a decade to aide Putin’s interests – both PR and financial – in America. That was the story of the day… before the London terrorist attack happened. But instead of the White House fading out and allowing the news from London take precedence, Donald Trump inserted himself into the day’s news in what was one of the oddest, most disturbing counterprogramming moments in recent history. I think this was an attempt to “change the subject” from the Manafort story, but it was literally happening at the same time as the world was focused on London, so it makes Trump look like a drama queen who was jealous of all of the attention being given to victims of a terrorist attack.
So, what happened? The House Intelligence Committee chairman Devin Nunes announced that HE has a source who told him that Trump wasn’t lying about the Obama-ordered wiretap because Trump’s conversations were “incidentally” intercepted post-election because something something maybe some of Trump’s associates were being surveilled? I guess. The problem is that instead of briefing his committee, Nunes ran over to the White House to tell Trump personally. And then Trump offered a live statement, on-camera, about how he personally feels “somewhat” vindicated by the news. Meanwhile, everyone else is like, “Um, that’s not how any of this is supposed to work.” Nunes withheld information from his own committee. Nunes was not acting as independent oversight on the executive, he was acting as Baby Fists’ lackey.
So, obviously, Nunes’ actions – in which he was trying to work on behalf of Baby Fists – have left us with more questions than answers. If Nunes is correct – and I mean, who knows? – that means that Trump was caught on a wiretap, but it was because the person he was speaking to was being wiretapped with a (presumably) completely legal FISA warrant. Which brings everyone back to Russia. So… yeah. Time for an independent select committee on Baby Fists’ Russia connections.
As a former fed investigator, I don't understand why investigator would brief potential target unless… colluding with target. Oh. #Nunes
— Kris Hammond (@KrisHammond) March 22, 2017

With Nunes action, there is no question that this now must be handled by independent special committee. What a waste.
— Kurt Eichenwald (@kurteichenwald) March 22, 2017

Ex-House Intel counsel: Nunes briefing Trump is a “breakdown in the entire oversight process,” other committee members likely “horrified” pic.twitter.com/aRn8dB3Ia6
— Bradd Jaffy (@BraddJaffy) March 22, 2017

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Photos courtesy of Getty.

Source: celebitchy.com

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