Tech Magazine

It’s All About Excellent Service

Posted on the 17 June 2012 by Jnoble100 @jnoble100

A great post here that talks very nicely about building a culture of service excellence in IT.  Written by Glenn Remoreras – another fellow IT professional – and his blog is well worth a read.

It’s all about excellent service

Service excellence in technology is what I’m all about and it brings my passions of great service and the latest technology together.  There are sadly only a few organisations that provide great great service, in or with technology but Glenn’s post nicely gives some ideas as to what it takes to build a culture that can deliver.

It’s all about excellent service

Glenn highlights 5 key points, as values or behaviours, that you need to nurture and develop in your organisation to deliver service excellence:

  1. Putting the customer first always
  2. Creating a culture of collaboration and teamwork
  3. Being proactive (versus just reactive)
  4. Continuous learning
  5. Creativity and empowerment – for innovation and change

Great points and they all make a lot of sense.  I’d go even further and say that it’s not just technology services where these are relevant – but any business or organisation who wants to deliver the best service.  And today delivering the best service is what your customers are demanding.  Are you delivering?

It’s all about excellent service

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