Society Magazine

"It's a Tale About a Brave Woman Bravely Getting a Brave Abortion"

Posted on the 16 June 2014 by Brutallyhonest @Ricksteroni

Mark Shea on the latest attempt by the culture of death to pass off darkness as light:

So there's this new romantic comedy out, promoted by Planned Parenthood, called Obvious Child in which the heroine "bravely" kills her child so as to counter the pernicious message of life and joy in children that marred such films as Juno and Knocked Up. The tragic decision of these two films to ObviousChildwelcome a baby instead of tear it limb from limb or jam scissors in its brain is atoned for by this story in which, as a friend of mine put it, "everyone is so brave in the movie, according to the reviews. The woman doesn't tell the father. Which is very brave. She "never wavers" in her choice to abort. Brave again. She apparently has no remorse, which is yet more evidence of her bravery. It's a tale about a brave woman bravely getting a brave abortion."

Indeed. Here is the tenor of the ads and reviews:

"Donna finds out along the way what it means to be as brave in life as she is on stage." 
"represents a brave new frontier in comedy"
"Robespierre's camera has the bravery to be at the clinic with Donna"

And so forth. These are the kind of "eat your spinach" reviews movies get when critics know bloody well that their peers and people in the industry know what is expected of them in terms of ideological conformity. This is a movie they are required to praise, whether it stinks or not. It gets words like "important" applied to it in that "eat your spinach" way too. Will the movie do well at the box office? Hard to say, since the reviews aren't really there to tell you how people outside the ideological bubble will respond to it. (And critical success does not always equal box office success.) I hope, for the sake of the human race, that an abortion romantic comedy (roll that around in your mind for a moment) will be revolting enough to most normal people that it will be a financial failure. But if the public, alas, finds it funny, they will go see it. If they don't, and find it to be a big bowl of spinach, they won't. We'll see.

He's just getting warmed up so go finish with him.  It's important.

I've shared, though not in any detail on the blog, that I'm now a grandfather.  Little Amelia has captured my heart.  I honestly am enthralled with her each time I hold her in my arms.  She is tiny and defenseless and yet a powerful reminder and messenger of God's creative and life-changing love.

How in hell anybody could attempt to turn the tragedy of abortion into a comedy is beyond comprehension, particularly if you're one who's held a precious baby in your arms.

A society that laughs at abortion is not just a society in decline but quite literally one in the midst of death-throes.

Are you one who would laught at abortion?

I pray not.

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