On Monday, when Google released the latest monthly Android security patch, notably missing from the list of updated devices was the Pixel C, the company's last Android first-party Android tablet.
While Google has yet to issue an official statement related to the Pixel C's future and the company has occasionally in the past delayed specific device updates, the timing of this absence suggests Google no longers plans to support the Pixel C.
Since it launched the Pixel phone lineup, Google has promised to provide its devices with security updates for "at 18 months from when the Google Store last sold the device." In the case of the Pixel C, the company last sold the tablet on the Google Store in December 2017, which is, as Android Police notes, almost exactly 18 months ago.
What's more, Google has been consistent in that regard. When it came to the Nexus 5X and 6P, for instance, the company only issued one additional security update outside of the two phones' end-of-life date.
In any case, we've reached out to Google for additional information. We'll update this article should the company respond.
Source: Android Police