Fashion Magazine

It Has Been Long Overdue and I Am Back to Blogging Full t...

By Senoritacyn
It has been long overdue and I am back to blogging full time. My blog is my little baby and have always been proud of it. These last weeks have made me be re-focus on achieving my dreams. Someone VERY special (my amazing boyfriend) told me a few days back why I haven't blogged and thats when it triggered it.  I look forward to seeing where Señorita Cyn will go and can't wait to have you along for the ride.Now time for the outfits, these little numbers where from a few weeks ago and if you follow me on Instagram, you've seen them. First one was for work and if you have been following me, you'll know I love love love that blazer! I am a sucker for color and prints! And lastly, this California heat has been ridiculously hot that anything with lightweight fabrics is the best thing to do. Nothing screams summer than tie dye and its is the perfect summerdress for this heat.
It has been long overdue and I am back to blogging full t...
It has been long overdue and I am back to blogging full t...

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