Society Magazine

Israeli Election 2013: Right And Left Blocs Tie

Posted on the 23 January 2013 by Arirusila @AriRusila

The results of Israeli elections 2013 spell one of the narrowest gaps ever noted between the Right and Center-Left blocs in the Knesset – both blocs are about tie and one aspect is that Three Arab parties got 12 members to new Knesset. Now PM Netanyahu has a complex political reality and now stands before a difficult task: creating a stable coalition.

Israel’s 2013 election saw record voter turnout. According to the Central Election Committee, 66.6% of Israelis exercised their right to vote,a turnout of 4 percent more than in the 2009 elections and the highest since 1999.And results are following (My main source is 

Israeli Election 2013: Right And Left Blocs Tie

Israeli Election 2013: Right And Left Blocs Tie

The next government?

The first scenario for PM Netanyahu is the formation of a narrow right-wing government including his natural partners: Habayit Hayehudi led by Naftali Bennett and the ultra-Orthodox Shas and UTJ. Besides this alternative is narrow and thus fragile also PM Netanyahu’s wife – Sara – for personal reasons will push to exclude Bennett from the coalition.

Israeli Election 2013: Right And Left Blocs Tie

A second scenario is the creation of a Right-Center government (Yair Lapid’s Yesh Atid, Tzipi Livni’s Hatnua and Shaul Mofaz’s Kadima) excluding the ultra-Orthodox parties. Still, sources close to Netanyahu say that he fears forming a coalition without the ultra-Orthodox, considered in his eyes and despite everything, natural partners and political allies.

Israeli Election 2013: Right And Left Blocs Tie

The best scenario for Netanyahu is forming an broad government with his natural right-wing partners and the Center-Left bloc. In this case, size could also be a disadvantage and Netanyahu will struggle to set common guidelines for all coalition members.

Israeli Election 2013: Right And Left Blocs Tie

One scenario is to form government without Netanyahu and his Likud-Beiteinu. This Left-Center-haredi government could be led by Yair Lapid who anyway is the big winner of elections.  

Israeli Election 2013: Right And Left Blocs Tie

 The bottom line

Personally I expected a bit better result for Labor due the voter turnout. The predicted victory for Bennet stayed slim but the excellent result of reporter Yair Lapid (Yesh Atid) was a surprice at least for me. In overall the outcome is interesting while it gives many alternatives to PM Netanyahu to form his next government.

My previous article about this topic

Israeli Elections 2013 As Jump Start For Peace Process?

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