Amy Key's Isn't Forever is a grimoire for feminine selfhood in a world where a sense of self is flimsy, elusive and unrequited. The poems in this book are obsessive in their desire to construct and breach the terms of their own intimacy. They have their own 'narrative costume' but are vexed with it, not quite able to master the 'diligence of having a body'. This is a book where a tender and sabotaging shame of aloneness has taken root. Where wants cluster and are at war with each other. Where the heart is at once 'all lurgy' and an investment piece to be saved for best. Where the sea is the only solace, but the sea is blasé.
The 'ta-dah!' and candour of these poems is an exercise in Amy Key's imaginative protection and urge for personal extravaganza, an attempt to acknowledge but fight back the brutal inner voice. The obscure audience of the reader is never out of sight.
Amy Key's first collection Luxe was published by Salt in 2013. Isn't Forever is her second book-length collection.
[each night I count ghostlets of how my body was wanted / behind with my deadheading / rosehips have come - LOUSY WITH UNFUCKEDNESS, I DREAM]***
(@BloodaxeBooks, 21 June 2018, 80 pages, ebook, borrowed from @natpoetrylib via @OverDriveLibs)
Isn't Forever is jam-packed with the kind of poems I love to read and write. There are no tradition poems to be found here. No sonnets. No metre. The poems are all free verse and collage poems. This is terrific example of truly contemporary poetry. I didn't like the layout of the first poem which was one big block of text with slashes instead of line breaks. This didn't occur very often and I soon got used to it. There are some great poems here, some great themes and ideas and some powerful words and imagery. I will seek out more of this poet's work.