Diaries Magazine

Isabelle's 9-12 Month Wardrobe

By Sjay235 @naturalmommainm
Even though she is almost 10 months, Isabelle is just starting to fit in to her 9-12 month clothes. Considering she's in the 75th centile for weight and height, that surprises me a little. For Christmas, her granny took us on a shopping spree to Next to get some pieces for Isabelle's 9-12 month wardrobe. Her aunty had also taken a trip to Next a few months ago, and we spent some of Isabelle's Christmas money buying her some things in Next too!
I have said it before, but I adore Next clothes for little people. They have such beautiful stuff that it's almost impossible to decide what to get, and the quality is always wonderful. I do find the sizes in Next run a little big, which means that Isabelle won't fit in to her new stuff for a few more weeks, however I'm hoping that since her growth is slowing she will fit these new clothes for longer.
As always with us, the emphasis is on comfy and cosy to see us through the last bits of winter. Leggings and tops, and sleepsuits are the order of the day. I know these will probably be the last sleepsuits we buy for Isabelle, so I wanted to get her some lovely ones, and Next always has my favorite patterns.
It's great at the minute, as Isabelle fits in to both the Next 'baby' and the 'older girl' clothes as well. I absolutely love the baby clothes - they are always so sweet and lovely.
So, here's some of what we have. The picture quality isn't great - note to self: night time is not a great time to take pictures!
Isabelle's 9-12 month wardrobe
Isabelle's 9-12 month wardrobe
Isabelle's 9-12 month wardrobe
Isabelle's 9-12 month wardrobe
Isabelle's 9-12 month wardrobe
Isabelle's 9-12 month wardrobe
Isabelle's 9-12 month wardrobe

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