Business Magazine

Is There Any Value In ACA (Obamacare) Related Domains?

Posted on the 30 September 2013 by Worldwide @thedomains

This is a guest post by Sean Sullivan who is responsible for the content.

Sean Sullivan is Founder & CEO of BankAds a monetization solutions provider for financial related domains. Sean is also the owner of several other companies within digital advertising in a number of verticals, including, a digital coupon services company. Sean and his wife Erika, are also founders of BreastWeddingEver!, a charitable organization that helps couples raise money to fight breast cancer through weddings. 100% of all funds donated go direct to the foundations that BWE supports,

“”First and foremost, some disclosure here, my company (companies) are deeply involved within the business and monetization of healthcare related URLS. That said, I can assure you that the information that I’m going to provide you with, is highly accurate and reflective of not only what’s going on within the aftermarket, but within the healthcare industry as well.

So the first question isn’t really if there’s value in these domains, because that’s obvious. Anything that’s a hot button issue or in the news on a daily basis, if you have a high traffic or search volume EMD domain, there’s obvious value there. How much value is certainly a better question.

The first question really should be, what kind of money can actually be made with these kinds of domains.

The answer is, more than you think.

You see, the Affordable Care Act, or Obamacare, as most of us have come to know it, is a very divisive topic. According to some polls by Pew Research Foundation, it is overall not in favor with most Americans and is at all time lows with regard to its popularity. There’s some recently collected data that actually conflicts with the Pew Data which will get to later, but suffice it to say that Obamacare is a lightning rod for two things right now, intense debate and large sums of money.

News outlets, be it print, web, radio or TV on both the right and the left, are all making incredible sums of money by doing one thing really well, keeping everyone guessing. Today, September 30th, we’re literally on the eve of a potential government shutdown because one political party wishes to unwind the law that is Obamacare. This couldn’t be better news for media outlets, as people are tuning in or opening up their browsers to find out the latest news.

So how can domain owners make money from all of this?…

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