
Is Polkadot Going to Be the First Ethereum Bridge?

Posted on the 29 August 2020 by Anushreewarade

The Polkadot over a couple of weeks has been attracting a lot of attraction in the crypto world. Spartan Black, a major Asian based fund believes Polkadot has the potential to be the next big thing in DeFi, and think they are headed towards the very top of the digital market. After being listed on Binance the price of Polkadot token(DOT) has surged massively, and currently have a market cap over $5 Billion.

If you follow the cryptocurrency world right now, you would be familiar with the hype associated with the word “interoperability”. It’s a blockchain sector that allows multiple blockchains to interact with each other or another outside source of information, and Polkadot plans to capitalize this by creating a ‘trustless, general-purpose bridge’ to Ethereum.

A group of developers of Snowfork is working day and night to bring this technology to masses by creating an application that can appeal to a wider audience. In a recent blog, they have outlined their idea for the future, “We’re excited to become part of the Polkadot ecosystem and build atop its fancy new parachain technology, helping improve interoperability within and across its ecosystem,” the group proclaimed.

According to developers of Snowfork, they firmly believe that Snowfork’s phase 3 plan is on track and they expect it to be ready in mid-September of this year. They expect Phase 3 to be completed with a delivery of an all-encompassing trustless, general-purpose product by March of 2021. 


Post originally available at Is Polkadot going to be the first Ethereum bridge?

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