Dating Magazine

Is Love Really Worth It ?

By Datingdiva40 @datingdiva40

I hear the bitter tweets and post about love not being worth it and decided to share my friend Author Barbara j Peters article. The Subject often comes up ~ Is Love Really worth it ?

Guest Post From My Dear friend and Relationship Expert Barbara J Peters. Barbara J. Peters is a gifted communicator with a laser beam ability to cut through the tangle of personal drama to get results and relationships that last a lifetime. As a Licensed Professional Counselor, her counseling style is interactive, respectful, non-judgmental, and supportive. "A large part of my practice is dedicated to working with couples. In my experience, most relationships can be saved, but romantic relationships are always evolving, so they need to be worked on constantly. You need to do that with the right tools.

I hear the bitter tweets and post about love not being worth it and decided to share my friend Author Barbara j Peters article.

Is it better to have loved and lost, than never to have loved at all?

If you ask somebody who is deeply hurting after a break-up, the answer will probably be a resounding, in-your-face, NO! Not all love relationships last. In fact, many will end

in sadness and regret, and most of us will suffer from a broken heart at least once in our lives.

When a relationship ends for you, do you embrace what it was or do you become hardened and swear you'll never fall in love again, not ever? Can you take what was good

and look back fondly to see how the relationship molded you into a better person? Can you appreciate what traits your partner encouraged in you? Or are you obsessed and

plagued with questions of why, why, why? Do you get caught up in what you might have done wrong or what he/she did wrong to destroy the relationship? Do you replay

scenarios in your mind, creating happier endings? Does anger or revenge fill your thoughts and actions? After the hurt subsides, most of us can't help but think of the

happiness and thrill even a failed relationship brought into our lives, and how we changed personally simply by spending time deeply in love and committed to another

person. It may take a while to get to this point, but it is a healthy place to be. It definitely is better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all. Think of what you would

have missed!

Love is a wonderful emotion and to capture and enjoy its warmth even for a brief time is a gift. Love is what gives us purpose; it is what gives us hope; it is what gives us

significance. When I work with people who have recently divorced or have terminated a meaningful and deep relationship, I urge them to look for what they

gained from being in the relationship, even though it may have altered course along the way. Sometimes holding a symbolic mirror and looking deep into it will show

Is Love Really Worth It ?

lessons learned about personal limitations and the need for personal growth, as well as revealing unknown strengths and purposes. These are the markers for success in

future relationships. In any and every union, there will always be something to celebrate on the path to finding someone with whom to share our lives, hopes, and dreams in

a love infused future.

You Can Follow Barbara on Twitter @ CouplesAuthor or connect with her on Facebook at TheGiftOfAlifeTimeBook

and read more from Relationship Expert, Author, and blogger Barbara J Peters At the

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