Fashion Magazine

Is It Spring Yet?

By Amy Havins @dallaswardrobe

Dallas Wardrobe Dallas Wardrobe Dallas Wardrobe Dallas Wardrobe Dallas WardrobeDallas WardrobeDallas WardrobeDallas WardrobeDallas WardrobeDallas Wardrobepolka dot maxi dress c/o ann taylor//panama hat//valentino sandals (similar here)//straw tote (found in France, similar here)//hermes bracelet//opi big apple red polish//cartier watch

Is it Spring yet? It seems that phrase has been said over and over in our household over the last month. While there are no signs of spring (yet) that doesn’t mean that I can’t day dream of warmer days and spring dresses!

While browsing a favorite store a couple of weeks ago I immediately was drawn to this polka dot maxi dress. I am not sure if it was the pretty blue color, the silhouette or the fact that I was craving spring clothes but I had to try it on. You know when you try something on and you feel like it’s supposed to be yours? Well, that is EXACTLY how I felt about this polka dot maxi dress. I knew that even though I wouldn’t be wearing it today or tomorrow it would be the perfect piece to wear on trips and of course throughout the spring and summer. Even though Dallas winters are not very harsh, something about adding this polka dot max dress to my closet allows me to see the light at the end of the tunnel for winter and I could not be more excited about the Spring to come!

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Is it Spring Yet?
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images by sukilynn

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